inr.uqj m<d;a wdKavqldrjr
m%Odk f,alï
wOHdmk wud;HxY f,alï
by, oekqula " yelshdjla iy hym;a wdl,am j,ska msß udkj iudchla" inr.uqj wOHdmk moaO;sfha b,lalhhs
by, oekqula " yelshdjla iy hym;a wdl,am j,ska msß udkj iudchla" inr.uqj wOHdmk moaO;sfha b,lalhhs
by, oekqula " yelshdjla iy hym;a wdl,am j,ska msß udkj iudchla" inr.uqj wOHdmk moaO;sfha b,lalhhs
by, oekqula " yelshdjla iy hym;a wdl,am j,ska msß udkj iudchla" inr.uqj wOHdmk moaO;sfha b,lalhhs
Tn fjkqfjka fiajh lsÍu wmf.a j.lSuhs' ta i|yd wms lemù isákafkuq
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To reach excellence in global society through competent citizens who share the Sri Lankan identity
Afford fair and equitable education opportunities for the children of the province along with the knowledge of the information technology, lending the physical and human resources equally and guide to protect, nourish and respect the cultural heritage.